Well it's the end of day six in the hospital. Not much happened today, but last night was quite eventful. Other than the fact that I gained a pound!!! Which makes me 105 pounds.. Only 15 away from my goal weight! Woo!! Last night I had the sweetest nurse ever. However, for the life of her, she could not find the right attachment to my night feed bag. She literally went back and forth four different times in order to find the right one. I felt so bad for her. After that finally all got figured out, my dad calls my mom and says my brother isn't doing well and that he needs to be seem. My brother has been sick for the last few days now with flu like systems. And last night his ear starting hurting him so badly that he was almost to tears. So my dad and sister came to the hospital and my mom met them down in the ER, mind you this was 11 at night. After everything was said and done and the doctor that saw my brother told my parents to just give him some sudafed and that he'd be fine, it was 3 in the morning. And while they are doing this, I was peacefully sleeping away in my not so comfy hospital bed. Lol. But he's getting better, this flu bug just kicked his butt for a few days. As for today though, it was a pretty boring day, just a lot of sitting around and watching tv...same old, same old. These last six days have been the longest six days of my life, or at least thats how it seems. At least I have my puppy up here with me now :)
Every day I have had visitors, which I love! Today's visitors were my sister Brittany, her mom Roni, and my Aunt Wanda. It was really nice to see Brit and Roni because I hadn't seen them in what seems like forever, so it was good to see them. Then my auntie surprised my mom and I with a visit. And then came back again a little later with a delicious home cooked meal!! It was the best thing I've ate in six days!! :) Thank you guy for coming to see me, I really appreciate it. And it means the world to me!!!
One of my three favorite sisters, Brittany <3
I will post tomorrow and/or when something exciting happens! Prayers and good thoughts are welcomed and very much so appreciated <3
-Amanda :)
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