Saturday, March 9, 2013

No longer 35!!

Hello to all!! This is Karrie, Amanda's mom. Around 8pm tonight Dr. Lee from Stanford Hospital called Amanda to let her know that they had new lungs for her. So after freaking out for a few minutes we got packed and made the phones needed to get us to California. The air ambulance was really cold like 53 degrees, however the crew was super nice.
It is now 3:04am and we are still waiting. Amanda is the surgery area and I am in the waiting area. We still don't know if the lungs are going to work as the doctors haven't seen them yet. All the test indicate it a go but until they see them we wait.. Thank you all for your love and support.

1 comment:

  1. HI Karrie!!

    This is the best news ever for your family!! I am PRAYING that these lungs are a perfect match for Amanda! Talk about the best early birthday present ever :)

    Keep us all posted! I sent Amanda a facebook request as I want to follow her journey. This is John form Living My Dreams With CF thats what I put in my message!!

    Thank you for sharing this Karrie :)

