Here's part two of my california adventure! I am happy to say that this is the good part of my trip down to california. Once we got to melissas house, we were all extremely tired but our day wasn't quite over. We had been invited over to melissas parents house to have dinner with them! It had been far to long since I got to see them!! So I was pretty excited to have dinner over there, and for them to finally meet my mom! The following day was the day my mom was going home. Since her flight wasn't until 7 pm we had all day to do something. You would think the california sunshine would be motivation enough to get up and go out and do something but it wasn't... we pretty much slept..all day. We were exhausted both emotionally and physically from the day before. After sleeping for most of the day we went and got some lunch at this delicious local sandwich shop, gave mom a little mini tour of the town and college, and then headed to the airport. Never in my life have I ever seen such bad traffic/drivers in my entire life. Californian drivers are insane!!!! Anything goes, even if you break a law or twenty! Once we dropped off my mom at the airport, that's when the fun really started (sorry mom, love you)! It had been 8 loooonnng months since Melissa and I had some good quality best friend bonding time. We have always said that if at any time her and I were single together that there was a possibility that the world might end with all the trouble we would cause..yeah..well we're currently both single and the world is still standing.. we've definitely lost our edge. We were more of trouble makers before when we both had boyfriends. Granted my lungs have dropped a significant amount since then and she now works full time, that might have something to do with it. But anyways, our rein of terror started out with going home and going to sleep. Hanging out at the house is what we did most days but we also had some exciting adventures a couple days I was down there. One day we decided that my trip wouldn't be complete if we didn't do what we have come to know as our tradition whenever I come see her. Getting new tattoos!!!!!! Every time I go down to california to visit her, it just so happens that I end up getting a new tattoo and/or piercing. Last time I was there, I got both. My first trip down there I got a matching "just breathe" tattoo with melissa which is on our left sides, my second trip I got "unfold your wings" on my right shoulder, and this last trip I got "Dum spiro, spero" on the outside of my left foot! And melissa got two roses on her right shoulder!
My tattoos <3
Another adventure we went on while I was there was to a beach! This was my first time at a california beach so it was really exciting!!! Typically a trip to the beach in oregon means wearing four plus layers and still freezing your butt off, wind constantly blowing, runny noses, ear aches and sometimes rain. Not the way the beach should be experienced! I also love being in the car so the long car ride to the beach was also nice. Once we got to the beach I was extremely happy! It was hot, not windy, good drinks and I was with my best friend, what more could I ask for?!! Laying on the beach for hours under the warm sun felt amazing!!!! The sunburn that resulted in me laying under the warm sun for hours, did not feel so great.. This was the first time I had ever been sun burnt, I normally tan not burn, so it was a little weird for me. But all in all it was a wonderful day with my best friend :)
Me and Melissa on our way to the beach!
Selfie on the way to the beach!!!!
Me, Kellie (melissas roommate) and Melissa <3
Stinson Beach <3
I also wanted to go to a california mall while I was there. So we went to a local was about half the size of the one I go to at home. But hey, at least I got to go to a california mall! We were on a hunt for a new belly button ring and we looked in just about every store that sold belly button rings and were not successful on our mission unfortunately. After the mall we went over to melissas parents house for one last family dinner and so I could meet her grandma! I love her family, and I love that they think of me as part of their family! Thank you guys, I love you <3
Last family dinner before I left!
On my last day in california melissa made appointments for the both of us to have massages and facials at her work (Massage Envy) before heading to the airport! I was excited to meet all her coworkers. Every time she would introduce me to someone they would say, without fail might I add, "Oh I've heard so much about you!" lol. Clearly melissa loves me a lot more than I realize! Both the massage and facial were absolutely incredible and something I will be repeating when I go back!!! Just what I needed before heading back to rainy ol' oregon. Thank you melissa for planning the wonderful spa day for us :)
Leaving is always the hardest part. I hate leaving her because I feel like a piece of me is missing once I leave and we're apart. Going back to reality is always hard to. Back to doctors appointments, responsibility, and just real life that I would rather not deal with. Lol. But I had to come back at some point in time. The trip was very much so needed!! And I cannot wait to see melissa in a few months!
Thank you for reading! And as always prayers and good thoughts are welcome and very much so appreciated <3 If you want updates go "like" this facebook page
- Amanda :)
I have a best friend like that, too!! I'm so happy you do to. What a great way to turn a stressful visit to Stanford into something fun, rejuvenating, and joyful. Cheers!